ADumbShiba: Difference between revisions

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Line 23:
*Shiba lives in Poland, near the old German Russian borders
*Shiba is 173cm175cm
*Shiba's favourites games are Hoi4 and TF2
*Shiba has anger issues
*Shiba is dyslexic
*Shiba is often confused with [[Shii]]
*Shiba is a femboy :3
[[Category:Players who joined during Pixlies V]]
[[Category:Players who are Trans/NB]]
[[Category:Players who are femboys]]

Latest revision as of 20:34, 27 July 2023

Personal details
Military service

AdumbShiba (or simply Shiba) is a Polish Pixlies player. He joined the server during Pixlies V via the Kalingrad Pixlies ad.

Pixlies History[edit | edit source]

Pixlies V[edit | edit source]

Pixlies V was Shiba's first geopol experience. During the season he was part of Scandinavia, he was mostly active in the Discord. Half way through the season he left the server because of minecraft burn out.

Pixlies X[edit | edit source]

Shiba was invited to join Spain by Draketheman208, who was also a previous member of Scandinavia.

In Spain he was a active member of the Monarchist Party ( or CEDA). Shiba was the only active player in the Spanish Philphines, most of Manilla was built up by him.

After Pixlies X[edit | edit source]

After Pixlies X Shiba tried creating New Zealand with 2 of his friends. New Zealand joined the British Commonwelth to avoid a conflict with its neighbour Australia. After a couple of months the Nation was disbanded and suceeded by the Kiwi kingdom in Brazil. His second nation was also disbanded during the Grand Pixliean Revolution . After disbanding both of them he joined Phoenicia which would later become Carthage

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Shiba lives in Poland, near the old German Russian borders
  • Shiba is 175cm
  • Shiba's favourites games are Hoi4 and TF2
  • Shiba has anger issues
  • Shiba is dyslexic
  • Shiba is often confused with Shii
  • Shiba is a femboy :3