
From Pixlies
Revision as of 23:41, 9 January 2023 by ShibaUwU (talk | contribs)
Personal details
Military service

AdumbShiba (or simply Shiba) is a Pixlies player from Poland. He joined the server during Pixlies V via the Kalingrad Pixlies ad.

Pixlies History

Pixlies V

Pixlies V was Shiba's first geopol experience. During the season he was part of Scandinavia, he was only active in the Discord. Half way through Pixlies V he left Pixlies because of burn out.

Pixlies X

Shiba was invited to join Spain by Draketheman208, who was also a previous member of Scandinavia.

He was a active member of the Monarchist Party ( or CEDA). Shiba was the only active player in the Spanish Philphines, most of Manilla was built up by him.

After Pixlies X

After Pixlies X Shiba tried creating New Zealand with 2 of his friends. New Zealand joined the British Commonwelth to avoid a conflict with its neighbour Australia. After a couple of months the Nation was disbanded and suceeded by a Kiwi kingdom in Brazil. His second nation was also disbanded during the Grand_Pixliean_Revolution . After disbanding both of his nations he joined Phoenicia which would later become Carthage


  • Shiba lives in Poland, near the old German Russian borders
  • Shiba favourites games are Hoi4 and TF2
  • Shiba has anger issues
  • Shiba is dyslexic
  • Shiba is a femboy :3