
Chechen Republic
Location of Chechen Republic
Official languagesEnglish
Sunni Islam
  • Chechen
GovernmentColonial Nation
• Islamic Republic
• Pixlies XI
• Estimate

Introduction Edit

The Chechen Republic is a Republic situated in the North Caucasus started by the release of Pixlies X, with most of its members coming from Maghreb and various Geopolitical servers. The population of Chechnya currently resides comfortably at a fluctuating 11 players.

Description Edit

Diverging from its previous predecessors, the Chechen Republic has set their goals according to economical gain, infrastructure growth and everlasting cooperation with their neighbors.

Achievements such as striking deals with the bordering Soviet Union and Armenia has been proof for the willingness of Chechnya to cooperate with other nations.

File:Chechen map 3.png
Map of Chechen Republic as of the 29th of August 2021 (in green)

Comprising of 3 main Provinces and 3 other territories, the total of 6 provinces and territories in the Chechen Republic make up the land controlled by Chechnya, with provinces listed from acquired first to last being; Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan, Quba, Shatili and Qobustan.

History Edit

History Pre-Pixlies X Edit

Before Pixlies X, most of the members were residing in the Caliphate of Maghreb. With most of its founding members being adheres to the Muslim faith, after the closing of the season (Pixlies V), FEUD_ and coldcold_aus announces their departure from the Maghrebi-Albanian union to form an independent nation.

Foundation and consolidation Edit

In the early days leading to Pixlies X, as customary of people to do in the server, FEUD_ establishes the Chechen Republic with Arabchad under the banner of the Caliphate of Chechnya, the first days of the Republic was not solid and was just a concept thrown around so that FEUD_ did not have to suffer being invited to nations from all around the world.

The following weeks after the foundation, FEUD_ was pressured by peers to consolidate the Chechen Republic by formalizing it in a form of a discord server, with the help of Blitz and Xavier the Chechen Republic discord server was formed.

The first founding members of Chechnya were FEUD_, coldcold_aus and Xavier, Arabchad would then opt to leave Chechnya.

Upon its formalization, Chechnya was thrown headfirst into a political and diplomatic crucible, with hostile neighbors to the North and a natural rival to the South, the Chechen Republic was forced to navigate the turbulent tides of politics and diplomacy.

Political crises Edit

Treaty of Grozny

The first political act of any significance was dealing with the Soviets who wished to claim all that belonged to Post Soviet split Russia, FEUD_ then struck a deal with the Soviet leadership by compromising on a few concerns the Soviets had regarding safety and security for itself. In which lead to a successful treaty signed by both parties in recognition of Chechnya and general infrastructure agreements along with a non-aggression pact.

The second political crisis came about after security concerns were brought up by FEUD_ and the Chechen citizens (which now has doubled with an influx of builders namely Jecten and smgersh1) regarding the borders between the South of Chechnya and Armenia, the grueling diplomatic talks lasted for almost a week with no compromise within sight, points were brought up by both sides, but were finally resolved when FEUD_ were willing to revoke Chechen claims on the greater Telavi area and settled with Shatili.

After all the political controversies were settled, Chechnya joined the Greater Cooperation Group of Middle East, with its main allies being Iraq, Sultanate of Arabia and Armenia.

This was also the time where Chechnya experienced a boom in citizenship, while small it was able to secure a guaranteed specialized standing army and a militia force capable to repel attacks (Citizens being in order of joining; Metdeath, Salbun, ignRobo, ExitingMiner, Lovinqali and NaomiCN)

The long wait Edit

Pixlies players are no stranger to waiting stupid amounts of times for season releases, the transition from Pixlies V to the new season is no different, the Chechen Republic have been using this down time to consolidate its plans and programs, such as the infrastructure model plan built on TAMaurice's private Earth server, this is also in tandem with the release of the Beta which many consider lackluster, throughout the Beta the roster of the Chechen Republic fluxuated, NaomiCN left the nation and the Pixlies Community altogether being replaced with ArabChad returning along with Southbum moving in after the ban on Krza, which was caused by the new rule implemented to stamp out less desirable people by the server staff, which the discord server of Chechnya staunchly opposes, opting for a more organic form of moderation, "who does stupid shit gets clowned on" mentality.

Structures in Chechnya Edit

Governing bodies Edit

The Republic of Chechnya has a few main governing bodies namely;

  • The Presidential office, whos role is to legislate and execute diplomacy, internal affairs and oversight on projects.
  • Minister of Infrastructure, directly under the presidential office for resources and building projects, their job is to plan out infrastructure projects and create blueprints along with scale models of projects.
  • Minister of Serfdom, previously Regional Administrator, the role of which came about after the need to control the Serf workforce imported from Southern Union to work in the Kazakh gravel pits.
File:1200px-Patch of the SOBR.svg.png
Insignia of SOBR Terek

SOBR Terek Edit

The SOBR (Spetsial'niy Otryad Bystrovo Reagirovaniya, Special Rapid Response Unit) Terek was named after the Terek river in Chechnya, being a special forces unit of Chechnya and serves as a standing army for the protection of the City of Grozny and the greater Chechnya area.

Comprising of combat veterans and trained in quick response and shock combat, SOBR Terek is used to minimize the chances of terrorism occurring within the Chechen border, and also runs routine border patrols and combat exercises in the Kazakh steppes, SOBR Terek will also respond to tensions in the Caucasus region caused by outside forces and will utilize neighboring nations infrastructure to its advantage.

Black Rifles Weapons Company Edit

While being based and having factories in Chechnya, the BRWC is not affiliated with the Chechen Republic and all actions taken by them and their private contractors does not reflect Chechen political and diplomatic values.