Downfall of the French Republic

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Revision as of 15:29, 28 December 2022 by VPrototype (talk | contribs)

The Downfall of the French Republic (also known as the Collapse of Proto's France) was a major event which occurred after Pixlies X concerning La République française in July, 2022.


In late June, 2022, vPrototype_ formed La République française with a few members. He was elected President and appointed Zenetty as his Vice President. Notable players gb, Kotori, Dynmie and Thai x joined his nation and became active members. In just a week, the nation had amassed 12 active members.

The nation's growth was going extremely well and France quickly gained a seat on the then United Nations' Security Council. France was one of the most populous and prosperous nations at the time.

However, on July 10, 2022, vPrototype_ would go camping and would leave France behind for a few weeks.

The Jif Collapse

Jif, a member of a nation from Geo*****ica, joined the server and brought over 80 people with him when vPrototype_ was on hiatus. Jif took over the nation and had ambitions to become monarch. Many nations rallied against Jif, according to Mr Archduke. Zenetty, unable to stop this, declared independence in the French colonies and took most of the original members with them to form new nations. Upon his return, vPrototype_ deleted the French discord server and left Pixlies for a few months.

Notable player gb said: "Jif trying to take over france was one of the most interesting politicial situations I've ever seen in geopol."

Here is a text by Zenetty on the matter:

"It begins with vPrototype_ leaving for vacation, and Zenetty taking control of the French Republic. Anxious to keep the nation afloat, he listens to the ideas and suggestions of his fellow council members. This eventually leads them to going off course and the Jif Party gaining too much power. Zenetty attempts course correction, but it's too late, and gets removed from office. Thus, he begins plotting with other council members from across the parties to remove Jif from power and eventually the nation, over fears of Jif’s intention to turn France into a monarchy. This culminated in Zenetty declaring independence in the regions of Louisiana, Texas, and Quebec (In that order). The Shutdown of Pixlies lead to a massive kill of motivation all across Pixlies, and what happened from there is kind of hazy for me."