The Netherlands(Dutch: Nederlands), officially the United Provinces of the Netherlands (Dutch: Verenigde Provincies van Nederland) are a Republic located in Western Europe. It consists of the Lowlands and Rhine Westphalia. It borders France in the South and no nation in the East. It also consists of the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam and Dutch South Africa.

United Provinces of the Netherlands
Nederlands (Dutch)
Flag of Netherlands
Official languagesDutch
GovernmentParliamentary semi-federal republic
• President
• Prime Minister

Political System Edit

The States General Edit

The States General is the legislative body of the Netherlands. It consists of the Lower House (Dutch: Tweede Kamer) and the Upper House (Dutch: Eerste Kamer). For a law to pass it is required to be approved by both houses of the parliament.

History Edit

Creation of Frisia Edit

After the announcement of the new reset two countries claimed the Netherlands, one Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United Provinces of the Netherlands. These two nations then negotiated the Treaty of Leeuwaarden in which the Kingdom of the Netherlands would become a Semi-Independent Kingdom of Frisia.

Dispute over New Amsterdam Edit

Due to both the United Provinces and the Empire of New Jersey claiming New Amsterdam, also known as New York, these two nations had a tense relationship. With backing of the Southern Union the United Provinces were able to bring New Jersey to the negotiating table. This then resulted in the Treaty of New Amsterdam which guaranteed the United Provinces all of New York State and Connecticut under the 42 Parallel North. The treaty also included a non-aggression pact and a guarantee by the Netherlands not to colonize more in North America.