File:Shitty profile of sleep
Prime Minister of Great Britain
Commonwealth Delegate of Great Britain

Pixlies Remastered

South Africa

For the first hour of sleep's Pixlies journey, on the 2nd of January of 2021, sleep was recruited by Vill_Vill to the nation. sleep quickly felt unfulfilled, as he had wanted a nation of their own. This brief time in Africa had given him the chance to get resources to build their first house in France.


sleep had decided to venture to Europe, to make their first nation of Celtica, which was based in Brittany in France. This had been made from the ruins of the former nation of Europa. sleep had in fact made an alliance with Europa due to the fact that they had still owned a lot of territory by then, meaning they could attack at any moment. After negotiating an alliance, sleep had started to build walls and housing, creating a small village on the Bay of Biscay.

Union de la Démocratie

After inviting a few friends from a former server and expanding the nation, sleep felt the need to expand to the wider world. This would prompt the formation of the Union de la Démocratie (which was essentially France), and then the French colony of Tasmania. This would contain a secret gas chamber and a rather controversial basement where the citizens of Tasmania were accused by the then moderator Didas of duping items. This dispute remains unsolved to this day.

sleep had then decided to expand the nation diplomatically. He had heard of a dispute over in Oregon, where player TAMaurice had proposed a union between Massachusetts and the Union of Democracy. sleep had foolishly agreed to this, as he was promised the position of Vice-President, even though he had the higher population. This union would then prompt the creation of the United States.

United States

US Constitution Dispute

To formulate the United States, a constitution had to be decided between three parties; Maurice, sleep, and an emerging player from Oregon, named MattCobra. MattCobra was at the time Minister of War, which gave him immense power when discussing international policy. This power was displayed when he had vetoed a proposal by the President, as he had seen it as too aggressive, and ideologically incompatible. After many disputes about the constitution, and also the appointment of Ryder08, an open supporter of TAMaurice, to the position of Supreme Judge, the House was left divided.

Splitting of the US

sleep had taken the side of MattCobra, as he had proved to be the only other person in Congress to speak up against the loopholes Maurice had placed to benefit himself. After pointing out every loophole in the Constitution, tensions were at its highest. These tensions were then displayed in the Presidential Election, where MattCobra had ran against Maurice, naming sleep as his Vice-President. Maurice had felt betrayed by sleep's actions, and saw it fit to kick them out of the nation. This was seen as a massive injustice due to the fact that half of the population of the United States was purely from their former nation of the Union of Democracy.

What Maurice did not know, however, is that sleep, MattCobra, and another player by the name of NeedlessMemeing had started on the 1st of February to plan a revolution, naming Texas as its main base of operations, where the neighboring country, Alvarez, would help. This did not come into fruition due to the unexpected kicking.

African Kingdoms

The Coup of the African Union

MattCobra was friendly with a Nigerian King by the name of MunchyGaming, who then discussed with the King, sleep, and the King of Libya; Didas_7. After the discussion, all four parties had agreed to orchestrate a coup against the leader of the then African Union, Vill_Vill. This may have been seen as controversial, as Vill_Vill had led sleep's first nation of South Africa. The African Kingdoms were formed.

MunchyGamer was the leader of the new country, being the King of Niger, which was now the leading nation of the union. MattCobra was appointed Prince of Niger. Didas was Prince of Libya, however also claimed to be the Prince of Niger, which stirred a conflict that would last 3 seasons, until it was finally solved in the case of Matt v Didas (2022). sleep was given the role of Prince of Madagascar, where he would run their own kingdom, isolated from the rest of the Union.

The members of South Africa had stopped playing, as they had been disincentivized to work on a country they didn't own. sleep took advantage of this, and tore down all of the buildings, stole all of the weapons, burned trees, to then recycle this into a future house that he would cherish forever. After feeling lonely, sleep had dissolved the Kingdom of Madagascar to strengthen relations with other influential members of the Kingdoms.

The Afro-American Wars

sleep was not present for the war between the African Kingdoms and the United States, however it had ended in a resounding victory for the former members. The Princes had finally got their revenge. This dispute was not over however, as this would last for months on end, as MattCobra, sleep and Needless had formed a rivalry with Maurice for seasons to come.

The African Kingdoms may have won the battle, but they hadn't won the war. Maurice had deceivably formed a plan to get retribution for what the Kingdoms had done to his country, as instability from the war had sparked uprisings from formerly trusted players. Maurice had banded nations together such as Historia and Iran to invade the African Kingdoms. Many don't know why these nations had decided to join, it could possibly be that they were jealous of the prosperity of the city of Niger at the time, however only they will know. Maurice had planned to get the least amount of African members online to start a war, where he could easily win. The only two members online were sleep and Didas. Odds against them, they still managed to make the war a decisive one, having only lost when Maurice had ultimately killed sleep in a 1v1.

This was quite impressive, as this was sleep's first ever war on Pixlies.

The Last Stand

The plot thickens, however, when Didas had actually revealed that he had made a private coalition with Maurice, where Didas could claim the Crown of Niger. This had temporarily solved the dispute of who had the claim to the Nigerian Crown. Feeling betrayed, Matt had decided to have one last chance at getting revenge. He had decided to nuke the capital of Poland-Lithuania, a country that had supplied Maurice's army in the war. It was successful, and devastated the country.

After the controversy, sleep had decided to retire from being one of the largest players on Pixlies, and moved to a small villa on the island of Mallorca.