4 December 2021 Germanic National Assembly election: Difference between revisions

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Placeholder line.{{Infobox election
| election_name = 1st Germanic National Assembly election
| country = [[Germanic Empire]]
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| election_date = {{Start date|2021|12|04}}
| elected_members = List of members of the 1st Germanic National Assembly
| next_election = <!--page[[18 title,December will2021 beGermanic linkedNational ifAssembly it exists-->election]]
| next_year = [[2nd18 December 2021 Germanic National Assembly Election election|18 December 2021]]
| seats_for_election = All 6 seats in the [[National Assembly]]
| majority_seats = 4
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[[Category:Germanic Elections]]
The '''4 December 2021 Germanic National Assembly election''' was held on 4 December 2021. The election was for all 6 seats in the [[National Assembly]].