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DomizioAureliano, also known as "Dominvs the First" and "Markunt", was the Emperor of Orientalis and the Emperor of Afghanistan in separate Pixlies


Empire of Orientalis

"Castle and City of Antioch, capital of Orientalis"

Orientalis was State founded by DomizioAureliano during the middle of June 2021. It was never invaded by any foreign Powers despite being surrounded by Albania ( the most powerful state of the season) and while having a rivarly with Maghreb. The Emperor took part in the French invasion of Maghreb, in which he assisted Maurice with the ground forces that traveled from France, through Spain all the way to Maghreb. The Alliance army, despite outnumbering the Maghrebin forces, was defeated in the first battle for Maghreb. Dominvs I was K.I.A. shortly after the defeat, while attempting to flee capture togheter with other surviving French forces.

"Emperor Dominvs I of Orientalis"

Occupation of Roman Lebanon and Failed invasion of Cyprus

During the end of June, Rome momentarly abandoned their territory of Lebanon due to TRHE lawfullness of their Claim. Swiftly Dominvs I took over the territory and its resources, but allowing the Romans to take certain personal belongings.

During the first days of July, Dominvs I and 4 of his men tried to storm the Island of Cyprus to take it over. This did not work for they later realized they needed a casus belli to take over the island and the president of Cyprus had always been AFK. This fact destroyed all ambitions of a possible conquest of the Island

The Empire of Orientalis at its territorial Peak.


The Empire spanned across modern day Israel, Palestine, Turkey, Iraq and Syria. Major Cities were Antioch, Seleukopolis, Jerusalem and Tyro.