User:Etraud/Sandbox2: Difference between revisions

From Pixlies
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Line 1,465: Line 1,465:
|3 = {{{birth_place|}}}
|3 = {{{birth_place|}}}
| label23 = Pronouns
| data23 = {{pronouns

| label23 = Died
| label24 = Died
| data23 = {{br separated entries|{{{death_date|}}}|{{{death_place|}}}}}
| data24 = {{br separated entries|{{{death_date|}}}|{{{death_place|}}}}}

| label24 = Cause of death
| label25 = Cause of death
| data24 = {{{death_cause|}}}
| data25 = {{{death_cause|}}}

| label25 = Resting place
| label26 = Resting place
| class25 = label
| class26 = label
| data25 = {{br separated entries|{{{resting_place|{{{restingplace|}}}}}}|{{{resting_place_coordinates|{{{restingplacecoordinates|}}}}}}}}
| data26 = {{br separated entries|{{{resting_place|{{{restingplace|}}}}}}|{{{resting_place_coordinates|{{{restingplacecoordinates|}}}}}}}}

| label26 = Citizenship
| label27 = Citizenship
| data26 = {{{citizenship|}}}
| data27 = {{{citizenship|}}}

| label27 = Nationality
| label28 = Nationality
| data27 = {{{nationality|}}}
| data28 = {{{nationality|}}}

| label28 = Political party
| label29 = Political party
| data28 = {{#switch:{{{party|}}}
| data29 = {{#switch:{{{party|}}}
| =
| =
| [[United States Democratic Party|Democrat]]
| [[United States Democratic Party|Democrat]]
Line 1,515: Line 1,522:
| #default = {{{party|}}} }}
| #default = {{{party|}}} }}

| label29 = Other political<br />affiliations
| label30 = Other political<br />affiliations
| data29 = {{{otherparty|}}}
| data30 = {{{otherparty|}}}

| label30 = Height
| label31 = Height
| data30 = {{#if:{{{height|}}}|{{infobox person/height|{{{height|}}}}}}}
| data31 = {{#if:{{{height|}}}|{{infobox person/height|{{{height|}}}}}}}

| label31 = Spouse(s)
| label32 = Spouse(s)
| data31 = {{{spouse|}}}
| data32 = {{{spouse|}}}

| label32 = Domestic partner
| label33 = Domestic partner
| data32 = {{{partner|}}}
| data33 = {{{partner|}}}

| label33 = Relations
| label34 = Relations
| data33 = {{{relations|}}}
| data34 = {{{relations|}}}

| label34 = Children
| label35 = Children
| data34 = {{{children|}}}
| data35 = {{{children|}}}

| label35 = Parent{{#if:{{{parents|}}}|(s)|{{#if:{{{father|}}}|{{#if:{{{mother|}}}|s|(s)}}|(s)}}}}
| label36 = Parent{{#if:{{{parents|}}}|(s)|{{#if:{{{father|}}}|{{#if:{{{mother|}}}|s|(s)}}|(s)}}}}
| data35 = {{#if:{{{parents|}}}|{{{parents}}}|{{Unbulleted list|{{#if:{{{father|}}}|{{{father}}} (father)}}|{{#if:{{{mother|}}}|{{{mother}}} (mother)}}}}}}
| data36 = {{#if:{{{parents|}}}|{{{parents}}}|{{Unbulleted list|{{#if:{{{father|}}}|{{{father}}} (father)}}|{{#if:{{{mother|}}}|{{{mother}}} (mother)}}}}}}

| label38 = Relatives
| label38 = Relatives
Line 1,653: Line 1,660:
}}{{#if:{{{1blankname0|}}}{{{1namedata0|}}}{{{2blankname0|}}}{{{2namedata0|}}}{{{3blankname0|}}}{{{3namedata0|}}}{{{4blankname0|}}}{{{4namedata0|}}}{{{5blankname0|}}}{{{5namedata0|}}}{{{alongside0|}}}{{{ambassador_from0|}}}{{{appointer0|}}}{{{assembly0|}}}{{{chancellor0|}}}{{{co-leader0|}}}{{{constituency_AM0|}}}{{{constituency0|}}}{{{country0|}}}{{{deputy0|}}}{{{district0|}}}{{{firstminister0|}}}{{{governor-general0|}}}{{{governor0|}}}{{{jr/sr0|}}}{{{jr/sr and state0|}}}{{{leader0|}}}{{{legislature0|}}}{{{lieutenant_governor0|}}}{{{lieutenant0|}}}{{{minister_from0|}}}{{{minority_floor_leader0|}}}{{{majority_floor_leader0|}}}{{{majorityleader0|}}}{{{majority0|}}}{{{minister0|}}}{{{minorityleader0|}}}{{{monarch0|}}}{{{nominator0|}}}{{{office0|}}}{{{order0|}}}{{{parliament0|}}}{{{predecessor0|}}}{{{preceding0|}}}{{{preceded0|}}}{{{premier0|}}}{{{president0|}}}{{{primeminister0|}}}{{{riding0|}}}{{{state_assembly0|}}}{{{state_delegate0|}}}{{{state_house0|}}}{{{state_legislature0|}}}{{{state_senate0|}}}{{{state0|}}}{{{suboffice0|}}}{{{subterm0|}}}{{{succeeded0|}}}{{{succeeding0|}}}{{{successor0|}}}{{{taoiseach0|}}}{{{termend0|}}}{{{termstart0|}}}{{{term0|}}}{{{title0|}}}{{{vicegovernor0|}}}{{{vicepresident0|}}}{{{vicepremier0|}}}{{{viceprimeminister0|}}}{{{prior_term0|}}}{{{appointe0|}}}{{{constituency_0|}}}|{{#ifeq:{{{nocat|{{{demo|{{#ifeq:{{{categories|}}}|no|yes}}}}}}}}|yes||[[Category:Pages using infobox officeholder with office0]]}}
}}{{#if:{{{1blankname0|}}}{{{1namedata0|}}}{{{2blankname0|}}}{{{2namedata0|}}}{{{3blankname0|}}}{{{3namedata0|}}}{{{4blankname0|}}}{{{4namedata0|}}}{{{5blankname0|}}}{{{5namedata0|}}}{{{alongside0|}}}{{{ambassador_from0|}}}{{{appointer0|}}}{{{assembly0|}}}{{{chancellor0|}}}{{{co-leader0|}}}{{{constituency_AM0|}}}{{{constituency0|}}}{{{country0|}}}{{{deputy0|}}}{{{district0|}}}{{{firstminister0|}}}{{{governor-general0|}}}{{{governor0|}}}{{{jr/sr0|}}}{{{jr/sr and state0|}}}{{{leader0|}}}{{{legislature0|}}}{{{lieutenant_governor0|}}}{{{lieutenant0|}}}{{{minister_from0|}}}{{{minority_floor_leader0|}}}{{{majority_floor_leader0|}}}{{{majorityleader0|}}}{{{majority0|}}}{{{minister0|}}}{{{minorityleader0|}}}{{{monarch0|}}}{{{nominator0|}}}{{{office0|}}}{{{order0|}}}{{{parliament0|}}}{{{predecessor0|}}}{{{preceding0|}}}{{{preceded0|}}}{{{premier0|}}}{{{president0|}}}{{{primeminister0|}}}{{{riding0|}}}{{{state_assembly0|}}}{{{state_delegate0|}}}{{{state_house0|}}}{{{state_legislature0|}}}{{{state_senate0|}}}{{{state0|}}}{{{suboffice0|}}}{{{subterm0|}}}{{{succeeded0|}}}{{{succeeding0|}}}{{{successor0|}}}{{{taoiseach0|}}}{{{termend0|}}}{{{termstart0|}}}{{{term0|}}}{{{title0|}}}{{{vicegovernor0|}}}{{{vicepresident0|}}}{{{vicepremier0|}}}{{{viceprimeminister0|}}}{{{prior_term0|}}}{{{appointe0|}}}{{{constituency_0|}}}|{{#ifeq:{{{nocat|{{{demo|{{#ifeq:{{{categories|}}}|no|yes}}}}}}}}|yes||[[Category:Pages using infobox officeholder with office0]]}}
}}{{#if:{{{speaker|}}}|{{#if:{{{nominee|}}}{{{candidate|}}}||{{#ifeq:{{{nocat|{{{demo|{{#ifeq:{{{categories|}}}|no|yes}}}}}}}}|yes||[[Category:Pages using infobox officeholder with speaker and without nominee or candidate]]}}}}
}}{{#if:{{{speaker|}}}|{{#if:{{{nominee|}}}{{{candidate|}}}||{{#ifeq:{{{nocat|{{{demo|{{#ifeq:{{{categories|}}}|no|yes}}}}}}}}|yes||[[Category:Pages using infobox officeholder with speaker and without nominee or candidate]]}}}}
}}{{#invoke:Check for unknown parameters|check|unknown={{main other|{{#ifeq:{{{nocat|{{{demo|{{#ifeq:{{{categories|}}}|no|yes}}}}}}}}|yes||[[Category:Pages using infobox officeholder with unknown parameters|_VALUE_{{PAGENAME}}]]}}}}|preview=Page using [[Template:Infobox officeholder]] with unknown parameter "_VALUE_"|ignoreblank=y| regexp1 = 1blankname[%d]* | regexp2 = 1namedata[%d]* | regexp3 = 2blankname[%d]* | regexp4 = 2namedata[%d]* | regexp5 = 3blankname[%d]* | regexp6 = 3namedata[%d]* | regexp7 = 4blankname[%d]* | regexp8 = 4namedata[%d]* | regexp9 = 5blankname[%d]* | regexp10 = 5namedata[%d]* | allegiance | alma_mater | regexp11 = alongside[%d]* | alt | regexp12 = ambassador_from[%d]* | regexp13 = appointed[%d]* | regexp14 = appointer[%d]* | regexp15 = assembly[%d]* | awards | battles | battles_label | birth_date | birth_name | birth_place | birthname | regexp16 = blank[%d]* | bodyclass | branch | branch_label | cabinet | candidate | caption | categories | regexp17 = chancellor[%d]* | children | citizenship | regexp18 = co%-leader[%d]* | commands | committees | regexp19 = constituency[%d]* | regexp20 = constituency_AM[%d]* | regexp21 = constituency_MP[%d]* | regexp22 = convocation[%d]* | regexp23 = country[%d]* | regexp24 = data[%d]* | date | death_cause | death_date | death_place | demo | regexp25 = deputy[%d]* | regexp26 = district[%d]* | education | election_date | embed | father | regexp28 = firstminister[%d]* | footnotes | regexp29 = governor[%d]* | regexp30 = governor_general[%d]* | regexp31 = governor%-general[%d]* | height | honorific_prefix | honorific-prefix | honorific_suffix | honorific-suffix | image | image name | image_name_alt | image_size | imagesize | image_upright | incumbent | regexp32 = jr/sr[%d]* | regexp33 = jr/sr and state[%d]* | known_for | regexp34 = leader[%d]* | regexp35 = legislature[%d]* | regexp36 = lieutenant[%d]* | regexp37 = lieutenant_governor[%d]* | mainwidth | regexp38 = majority[%d]* | regexp39 = majority_floor_leader[%d]* | regexp40 = majority_leader[%d]* | regexp41 = majorityleader[%d]* | mawards | regexp42 = military_blank[%d]* | regexp43 = military_data[%d]* | regexp44 = minister[%d]* | regexp45 = minister_from[%d]* | regexp46 = minority_floor_leader[%d]* | regexp47 = minority_leader[%d]* | regexp48 = minorityleader[%d]* | regexp49 = module[%d]* | regexp50 = monarch[%d]* | mother | name | nationality | native_name | native_name_lang | nickname | nocat | regexp51 = nominator[%d]* | nominee | occupation | regexp52 = office[%d]* | opponent | regexp53 = order[%d]* | otherparty | parents | regexp54 = parliament[%d]* | regexp55 = parliamentarygroup[%d]* | partner | party | party_election | portfolio | regexp56 = preceded[%d]* | regexp57 = preceding[%d]* | regexp58 = predecessor[%d]* | regexp59 = premier[%d]* | regexp60 = president[%d]* | discord | regexp61 = primeminister[%d]* | regexp62 = prior_term[%d]* | profession | pronunciation | rank | rank_label | relations | relatives | residence | resting_place | resting_place_coordinates | restingplace | restingplacecoordinates | regexp63 = riding[%d]* | runningmate | salary | serviceyears | serviceyears_label | signature | signature_alt | signature_size | smallimage | smallimage_alt | source | speaker | speaker_office | spouse | regexp64 = state[%d]* | regexp65 = state_assembly[%d]* | regexp66 = state_delegate[%d]* | regexp67 = state_house[%d]* | regexp68 = state_legislature[%d]* | regexp69 = state_senate[%d]* | regexp70 = status[%d]* | regexp71 = suboffice[%d]* | regexp72 = subterm[%d]* | regexp73 = succeeded[%d]* | regexp74 = succeeding[%d]* | regexp75 = successor[%d]* | regexp76 = taoiseach[%d]* | regexp77 = term[%d]* | regexp78 = term_end[%d]* | regexp79 = term_label[%d]* | regexp80 = term_start[%d]* | regexp81 = termend[%d]* | regexp82 = termlabel[%d]* | regexp83 = termstart[%d]* | regexp84 = title[%d]* | unit | unit_label | regexp85 = vicegovernor[%d]* | regexp86 = vicepremier[%d]* | regexp87 = vicepresident[%d]* | regexp88 = viceprimeminister[%d]* | website | width | year }}<noinclude>
}}{{#invoke:Check for unknown parameters|check|unknown={{main other|{{#ifeq:{{{nocat|{{{demo|{{#ifeq:{{{categories|}}}|no|yes}}}}}}}}|yes||[[Category:Pages using infobox officeholder with unknown parameters|_VALUE_{{PAGENAME}}]]}}}}|preview=Page using [[Template:Infobox officeholder]] with unknown parameter "_VALUE_"|ignoreblank=y| regexp1 = 1blankname[%d]* | regexp2 = 1namedata[%d]* | regexp3 = 2blankname[%d]* | regexp4 = 2namedata[%d]* | regexp5 = 3blankname[%d]* | regexp6 = 3namedata[%d]* | regexp7 = 4blankname[%d]* | regexp8 = 4namedata[%d]* | regexp9 = 5blankname[%d]* | regexp10 = 5namedata[%d]* | allegiance | alma_mater | regexp11 = alongside[%d]* | alt | regexp12 = ambassador_from[%d]* | regexp13 = appointed[%d]* | regexp14 = appointer[%d]* | regexp15 = assembly[%d]* | awards | battles | battles_label | birth_date | birth_name | birth_place | birthname | regexp16 = blank[%d]* | bodyclass | branch | branch_label | cabinet | candidate | caption | categories | regexp17 = chancellor[%d]* | children | citizenship | regexp18 = co%-leader[%d]* | commands | committees | regexp19 = constituency[%d]* | regexp20 = constituency_AM[%d]* | regexp21 = constituency_MP[%d]* | regexp22 = convocation[%d]* | regexp23 = country[%d]* | regexp24 = data[%d]* | date | death_cause | death_date | death_place | demo | regexp25 = deputy[%d]* | regexp26 = district[%d]* | education | election_date | embed | father | regexp28 = firstminister[%d]* | footnotes | regexp29 = governor[%d]* | regexp30 = governor_general[%d]* | regexp31 = governor%-general[%d]* | height | honorific_prefix | honorific-prefix | honorific_suffix | honorific-suffix | image | image name | image_name_alt | image_size | imagesize | image_upright | incumbent | regexp32 = jr/sr[%d]* | regexp33 = jr/sr and state[%d]* | known_for | regexp34 = leader[%d]* | regexp35 = legislature[%d]* | regexp36 = lieutenant[%d]* | regexp37 = lieutenant_governor[%d]* | mainwidth | regexp38 = majority[%d]* | regexp39 = majority_floor_leader[%d]* | regexp40 = majority_leader[%d]* | regexp41 = majorityleader[%d]* | mawards | regexp42 = military_blank[%d]* | regexp43 = military_data[%d]* | regexp44 = minister[%d]* | regexp45 = minister_from[%d]* | regexp46 = minority_floor_leader[%d]* | regexp47 = minority_leader[%d]* | regexp48 = minorityleader[%d]* | regexp49 = module[%d]* | regexp50 = monarch[%d]* | mother | name | nationality | native_name | native_name_lang | nickname | nocat | regexp51 = nominator[%d]* | nominee | occupation | regexp52 = office[%d]* | opponent | regexp53 = order[%d]* | otherparty | parents | regexp54 = parliament[%d]* | regexp55 = parliamentarygroup[%d]* | partner | party | party_election | portfolio | regexp56 = preceded[%d]* | regexp57 = preceding[%d]* | regexp58 = predecessor[%d]* | regexp59 = premier[%d]* | regexp60 = president[%d]* | discord | regexp61 = primeminister[%d]* | regexp62 = prior_term[%d]* | profession | pronunciation | rank | rank_label | relations | relatives | residence | resting_place | resting_place_coordinates | restingplace | restingplacecoordinates | regexp63 = riding[%d]* | runningmate | salary | serviceyears | serviceyears_label | signature | signature_alt | signature_size | smallimage | smallimage_alt | source | speaker | speaker_office | spouse | regexp64 = state[%d]* | regexp65 = state_assembly[%d]* | regexp66 = state_delegate[%d]* | regexp67 = state_house[%d]* | regexp68 = state_legislature[%d]* | regexp69 = state_senate[%d]* | regexp70 = status[%d]* | regexp71 = suboffice[%d]* | regexp72 = subterm[%d]* | regexp73 = succeeded[%d]* | regexp74 = succeeding[%d]* | regexp75 = successor[%d]* | regexp76 = taoiseach[%d]* | regexp77 = term[%d]* | regexp78 = term_end[%d]* | regexp79 = term_label[%d]* | regexp80 = term_start[%d]* | regexp81 = termend[%d]* | regexp82 = termlabel[%d]* | regexp83 = termstart[%d]* | regexp84 = title[%d]* | unit | unit_label | regexp85 = vicegovernor[%d]* | regexp86 = vicepremier[%d]* | regexp87 = vicepresident[%d]* | regexp88 = viceprimeminister[%d]* | website | width | year | pronoun1 | pronoun2 | pronoun3}}<noinclude>

Revision as of 07:54, 26 July 2023
