
From Pixlies
(Redirected from User:Tomato)

Tomato (also known as TomatoLover on the wiki) is an active Pixlies staff member & chatter and the current Prime Minister of Japan. She originally joined Pixlies around the time that the Pixlies X Beta was going on using an account that she shared with her brother Mysticrye at the time that now has the name "periscone" and is no longer shared with her brother.

She is also known to be mute, enjoy playing Minecraft & other games, and well, being a tad bit fruity.

During the Pixlies X Beta[edit | edit source]

During the Pixlies X Beta, she would very rarely occasionally hop on the account to obtain resources, build, and occasionally chat to anyone currently on the server. She wasn't really on that much, and never really did anything important to note. Almost everything that was actually done on the account in the Pixlies X Beta was by her brother, Mysticrye.

After Pixlies X Beta[edit | edit source]

After Tomato decided to stop logging onto the account to focus more on her friends server and school work, she pretty much forgot about Pixlies until 7/7/2022 she magically joined the Discord server upon request of her brother, and of her friend roux (also known as waeo, bread, etc) after being reminded of Pixlies, and then decided to join roux's nation (which is now Japan). She also rejoined the server as she was still friends with multiple people that are were also apart of the server at the time such as Didas, Blitz, Naomi, Gryn and a few other people, and felt like this would be a great way to get along with them even more. She joined the server and was immediately tricked by Didas who at the time had the name of Maurice, another well known Pixlies member. From then, she would occasionally send messages in the Pixlies discord server, and join the VCs for game nights.

After feeling as if she knew the way around the server for quite a long time, her interest was peaked once an announcement was dropped on October 16th, 2022 stating that Pixlies was in need of staff, and decided to apply while being cheered on by her friends. A few hours later on the same day, her application was accepted alongside another former staff member Skulli who decided to reapply. Ever since then, Tomato has been a Helper in the server, and very active in the community, trying to help out anyone in need, conversate, and make more friends.

Very recently on December 27th, 2022 she was unexpectedly promoted from Helper to the Moderator rank.