
From Pixlies

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File:Aukuras, a type of ritual fire.png
Natural Religion, an aukuras, a type of fire altar.

Arkhangelsk is a federal entity of Russia (the region). It includes the Arctic archipelagos of the Land of Franz Joseph and the New Land of Zemlya, the Solovian Islands, Karelia and Murmansk in the White Sea. The Arkhangelsk region also has administrative jurisdiction over the Nenets Autonomous District (NAO).

The Goverment[edit | edit source]

The Arkhangelsk government is a monarchy. The King/Empire is elected by the nation's royal family, but it has limited time. The only case of elections is the resignation of the current leader or the death of the former King/ Emperor. The King/ Emperor has executive power in all matters concerning the nation.  

Nature Religion[edit | edit source]

A nature religion is a religious movement that believes nature and the natural world is an embodiment of divinity, sacredness or spiritual power. Nature religions include indigenous religions practiced in various parts of the world by cultures who consider the environment to be imbued with spirits and other sacred entities. It also includes contemporary Pagan faiths which are primarily concentrated in Europe and North America.