Boss People

From Pixlies

Template:Infobox Player

Origins[edit | edit source]

Inscribed[edit | edit source]

Season 1[edit | edit source]

Boss People started on geopols on the minecraft server InscribedMC. He joined dawson612 in the short lived Alberta faction. After Alberta collapsed after the Israel-Albertian war, he joined the faction NewAlberta. The nation lived for a while until they went to war with the infamous EndPolice. After they lost the war, his faction disbanded once again. This therefore let him create the Fiji Empire with USmellyBad and ilost. The faction survived until the end of the season. Midway during season 1, Boss People felt the need to leave and form a faction in South America called Los Cactos. This was the final faction that Boss People was created in Season 1

Season 2[edit | edit source]

When season 2 came around Boss People created the short lived Newfoundland faction with Frostyoffical and McKicks. The season ended too soon because of a back door to the server.

Geowonder[edit | edit source]

After Inscribed fell Boss People joined the Geowonder server ran by Titeiiko and Stax95. Due to lack of leadership between the owners the server turned into a Skyblock server. Boss People was known for calling the server pay to win.

Valorb[edit | edit source]

One of the most controversial servers for Boss People is valorb. Like all the other servers, Valorb was striving to become the next big geopol server. Boss People started to gain a bad reputation in the server but that all started to go away when Valorb died. Boss People made 2 videos on this topic such as Reacting to it getting nuked, and Basically making the server shutdown. Before the videos, Boss People made the faction Russki Empire, which was located in central russia. After having some complications with Bradbot_1 he decided to change his name to get_better_devs.

Earth Earth[edit | edit source]

Boss People along with krism made a variant of the EndPolice, which is now dead.

Geonium[edit | edit source]

Boss People started on Geonuim after Valorb hit the dust and made the Fiji Empire with USmellyBad. The Fiji Empire consisted of Cyprus, New Zealand, Papa New Guinea and Fiji. After grinding for a while, it seriously took a toll on the 2 lads as they didn't play on the server for months. The server changed ownership too many times to count and the server shutdown for a while.

Geographica[edit | edit source]

After the Geonium surge, Boss People and USmellyBad moved to Geographica along with Bissya. They made a faction South America after seeing that Fiji was already taken. Like Geonium, they fell off the map because of too much grinding.

Pixlies[edit | edit source]

Release 4[edit | edit source]

Boss People started on Pixlies in Season 4 as being invited by USmellyBad and ilost. He started the faction EndPolice to recreate the infamous EndPolice from Inscribed. Boss People started the faction after having complications with Krza in the Icelandic discord. As an executive decision he disbanded the EndPolice with agreement from USmellyBad and therefore shall play on Pixlies till the new release (if there is one)