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KawaaShii (talk | contribs)
Changed the page completely since it was a copy of the fandom page (No longer to date)
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The EndPolice was one of many nations created during Pixlies Remastered. It was a small nation led by [[NasaSpaceShuttle]] and [[Shii]]. The EndPolice was created as a meme nation after the collapse of [[Icelandia]] and the [[North Sea Empire]] since most defected members lost motivation for the server and didn't want to play too seriously.
The EndPolice is one of a multitude of nations on the popular Geopol server commonly known as Pixlies. The small nation is currently lead by both USmellyBad (ApOwOgist) and Shawty (LazyMatt_) which is composed of a small volume of Egypt and South Africa. All of its member count is from the old Geopol InscribedMC and in honor of its legacy, the EndPolice was reincarnated on Pixlies.{{Infobox Faction|name=EndPolice|flag=EndPoliceFlag.png|map=EndPoliceClaims.png|capital=Cairo|religion=Apologistism|discord=https://discord.gg/xcM8ZV326b|leader=ApOwOgist and LazyMatt_|government=Dual-Monarchy|language=English|other-languages=Le Francais, Bri'ish|members=8|officers=Mr.Noodle|size=405}}

== History: ==
== History: ==
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The EndPolice was first created on as aforementioned InscribedMC and was lead by the two most annoying fuckers I've ever met (Apologist and LazyMatt_ (Not the same one)). Despite the nations lack of man power and general intelligence, they ruled the server as an economic and military powerhouse. With the help of SlimeFun they easily puppeted many nations such as Alberta, NewAlberta and TheFijiEmpire (Which 1 day later escaped from captivity). Due to many of the factors listed the EndPolice were hated by the rest off the server and multiple incursions were created against the faction, which were usually lost by the attacking side.
The EndPolice was first created on as aforementioned InscribedMC and was lead by the two most annoying fuckers I've ever met (Apologist and LazyMatt_ (Not the same one)). Despite the nations lack of man power and general intelligence, they ruled the server as an economic and military powerhouse. With the help of SlimeFun they easily puppeted many nations such as Alberta, NewAlberta and TheFijiEmpire (Which 1 day later escaped from captivity). Due to many of the factors listed the EndPolice were hated by the rest off the server and multiple incursions were created against the faction, which were usually lost by the attacking side.

The EndPolice was originally created on a completely separate server known as InscribedMC. It was lead by Apologist and LazyMatt_ (Apologist being an insignificant Geo player) and was arguably the most toxic nation on it's respective server, with the sole reason of blockading access to the End Dimension to control the production of Ender Lumps, one of the most important resources for more advanced SlimeFun items.
The EndPolice was as it is now, located in Egypt. And they made it their goal to create a police force in the end dimension to practically control one of the main resources in SlimeFun (Ender Lumps), which gave them great power especially with the advanced knowledge of SlimeFun for Prot. 9 armor and Sharp. 8 weapons.

The EndPolice was originally created after the InscribedMC Israeli war, which encompassed Israel and Alberta. And due to Israel CB baiting on the server the owner EdcoreG was forced to disband the faction which eventually lead to Apologist and LazyMatt_ to create the force known as the EndPolice.

=== Earth Earth: ===
After Inscribed and GeoWonder (The successor (Though it didn't actually succeed)) both fell due to poor management among other things a small mostly irrelevant server known as Earth Earth was created as after-birth. However this new generation of EndPolice was merely a joke by Shawty and some random kid we wont talk about, due to Earth Earth having a very short lifespan the faction didn't make it very far.

=== Pixlies: ===
=== Pixlies: ===
The EndPolice was reincarnated on Pixlies as a mockery of the original and other similar toxic nations and the members who ran them, specifically [[Krza]] and the [[British Empire]]. It was founded in Egypt being centered around Cairo.
Out of respect for InscribedMC and its legacy (And the fall of the Imperial Federation), Shawty and USmellyBad collaborated to create the newest version of the EndPolice. This version of the faction will be very different from its predecessors however, focusing mainly on economy instead of CB baiting and being general dickheads, we may also focus on PixliesFun technology and possibly selling it on the World-Market™.

More will be added soon since the server is currently under beta-testing.

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== Ideologies/Government System: ==

=== Ideologies: ===

==== Political Ideology: ====
Politically, the EndPolice with mostly be based off of a Dual-Monarchy system where two members of royalty will act as the heads of the nation, taking care of most executive decisions. However, to avoid becoming an Absolute-Monarchy, a minority of the power will be devised between other members depending on productivity and usefulness to the state. Members will mostly be able to overpower government authority as long as a large majority of members disagree with the government and have some power in Military decisions.

==== Economic Ideology: ====
The EndPolice will strive to become a Socialist economy, where the Monarchs are in charge of trade with other nations and production of goods inside the state itself. However, members will be awarded for effort in helping building up the economic foundations or farming with either money or small amount of executive power in the nation.

=== Government System: ===
As stated prior, the EndPolice's decision making system will be based off of Dual-Monarchy. Where members other than the heads of state, can gain power via activity, production, military work, etc. Most decisions will be made by the Monarchs of the nations but some affairs may fall into other members hands.

As well as activity leading to power gain Monarchs can give power to those they see fit to be officers for the nation, which will balance out the power of the Monarchs without giving equal amount of power to everyone.

All decisions will take place in the House of Elites which will be placed in Cario.
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== Military: ==

=== Military Service: ===
Currently the EndPolice isn't and probably wont become a military driven state, but due to the low member count military service is mandatory by all members of the state (Including Monarchs). Military service will be awarded with either promotion (For example a General) or power gain in other areas (This is mostly in place for when military service is no longer mandatory and therefor wont take great effect before then).

=== Military Decisions: ===
Currently all military decisions will be in the hands of the House of Elites, consisting of the Monarchs and officers. Generals may be called in to help with the decisions if needed. For example, war goals will take the Generals wishes into consideration.
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== Claims: ==
For those who didn't view the image above or read the summary, the EndPolice will be a relatively small nation easily being contained in a small area of Egypt with the possibility of a few colonies across Africa. The reason for this choice is to honor the original placement of the EndPolice during InscribedMC. If the nation accumulates more members in the future, it may claim a larger portion of North Africa.

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== Relations: ==

=== Allies: ===

==== South Africa: ====
After both ends realizing slight dislike for the Bri'ish Empire and both being major nations in Africa, they decided to create a mutual alliance for trading and military purposes. Especially now that the Bri'ish Empire and other European nations have begun colonizing Africa.

==== American Empire: ====
After joining the U.N, both nations have grown quite close diplomatically. Once again out of slight distaste towards the Bri'ish.

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=== Partners: ===

==== China: ====
China and the EndPolice were originally allies, but have since slightly drifted after a small bit of block game drama.

=== Disliked: ===

==== British Empire: ====
Due to the collapse of the Imperial Federation being at fault of mainly the leading forces behind the British Empire, the EndPolice has since grown an unhealthy relationship with the Empire.

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=== Hated: ===
The EndPolice currently has no hated nations.

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=== Soviet Coalition: ===
The Soviet Coalition was originally a pact like alliance between Korea, China and the EndPolice. But after some rethinking and realization, the EndPolice has since left the Coalition.

=== United Nations: ===
The EndPolice is currently one of the members of the United Nations. Most relations between the two are handled through NoobGeneral (The current EndPolice representative).

TheEndPolice was extremely short lived for a nation during Remastered only lasting a week or two, since members of the server quickly became bored of the server due to the tediousness of PixliesFun at the time. Near the end of the nation, Nasa and Shii used the melon and pumpkin farm they had built earlier to build many melon and pumpkin towers across the nation before disbanding it completely. It was later occupied by various nations.
== The End ==
As of now the EndPolice has been disbanded and will no longer serve a purpose on the Pixlies network due to lack of player attention and bordom
[[File:Final Picture of the EndPolice Faction.png|thumb|825x825px|The Final Picture of The Capital and Headquarters of the EndPolice]]
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Latest revision as of 17:52, 29 January 2023

The EndPolice was one of many nations created during Pixlies Remastered. It was a small nation led by NasaSpaceShuttle and Shii. The EndPolice was created as a meme nation after the collapse of Icelandia and the North Sea Empire since most defected members lost motivation for the server and didn't want to play too seriously.

History:[edit | edit source]

InscribedMC:[edit | edit source]

The EndPolice was first created on as aforementioned InscribedMC and was lead by the two most annoying fuckers I've ever met (Apologist and LazyMatt_ (Not the same one)). Despite the nations lack of man power and general intelligence, they ruled the server as an economic and military powerhouse. With the help of SlimeFun they easily puppeted many nations such as Alberta, NewAlberta and TheFijiEmpire (Which 1 day later escaped from captivity). Due to many of the factors listed the EndPolice were hated by the rest off the server and multiple incursions were created against the faction, which were usually lost by the attacking side.

The EndPolice was originally created on a completely separate server known as InscribedMC. It was lead by Apologist and LazyMatt_ (Apologist being an insignificant Geo player) and was arguably the most toxic nation on it's respective server, with the sole reason of blockading access to the End Dimension to control the production of Ender Lumps, one of the most important resources for more advanced SlimeFun items.

Pixlies:[edit | edit source]

The EndPolice was reincarnated on Pixlies as a mockery of the original and other similar toxic nations and the members who ran them, specifically Krza and the British Empire. It was founded in Egypt being centered around Cairo.

TheEndPolice was extremely short lived for a nation during Remastered only lasting a week or two, since members of the server quickly became bored of the server due to the tediousness of PixliesFun at the time. Near the end of the nation, Nasa and Shii used the melon and pumpkin farm they had built earlier to build many melon and pumpkin towers across the nation before disbanding it completely. It was later occupied by various nations.