
From Pixlies

Template:Infobox faction Icelandia was a fictional nation on Pixlies that encompasses Iceland and Greenland. It was lead by VedaTR (Also known by SafeRemain). Icelandia was established by SafeRemain in October 2020 and was made up primarily of former members from an old, now closed server called InscribedMC. Icelandia collapsed after the failed merger between Britannia and Icelandia resulting in SafeRemain leaving GeoPols.

Government[edit | edit source]

The government of Icelandia was an elected monarchy. The leader was elected by the citizens of the nation, however they have no term limit. The only case an election was held was when the current leader has stepped down. The leader had executive power over all matters concerning the nation.

List of current and former leaders[edit | edit source]

SafeRemain: 1st Leader of Icelandia

Military[edit | edit source]

Military in Icelandia was completely optional to participate in. The officers, or elites, acted as the official leaders of the military. However, the leader of the nation has final say on all matters.

Election History[edit | edit source]

1st Icelandia leader election[edit | edit source]

Candidates: ilost7489, logster_pe, SafeRemain --> (aka VedaTR ingame)

The election took about, 2 - 3 days, the results was in SafeRemain's favor, Icelanda is still a small faction though, so there wasn't much votes, but SafeRemain still won by a long shot.

Results: 4-1

Notes: Logster_pe dropped out of the election as they didn’t have enough time to participate.