
From Pixlies

Nations are the fundamental social grouping of Pixlies. It is a group of players who associate within set borders for a common goal. Nations are able to claim chunks to increase their area, choosing between soft claims and hard claims. Nations must pay upkeep to maintain their borders. To raise revenue, nations may choose to use economic tools for a steady stream of income.



Upkeep is the money paid to hold onto ownership of chunks.

Types of claims

Soft claims

Soft claims can be thought of as just 'jurisdiction'. These are areas that your nation wants to own, but does not claiming exclusive jurisdction. This means that other nations can claim over your soft claim, leading to disputed territory. The advantage of soft claiming is that it costs 1/4 of a hard claim but still lets you mine in that territory.

Hard claims

Hard claims are exactly like traditional claims found in other plugins such as Factions. These are the exclusive domain of your nation.

Nations commands


  • /nation
    • create - used to create a nation.
    • claim - used to claim chunks for a nation.
      • auto - used to toggle claiming every chunk you step on.
      • fill - used to fill in a hollow shape of chunks.
      • one - used to claim the chunk you are standing on.
    • unclaim - used to unclaim chunks for a nation.
      • auto - used to toggle unclaiming every chunk you step on.
      • one - used to unclaim the chunk you are standing on.
    • description - used to change the nation's description.
    • disband - disbands the nation you are in.
    • rename - renames the nation you are in.
    • map - displays nearby chunks.
    • invite {player} - sends an invite to a player to join your nation.
    • uninvite - revokes an invite sent to a player.
    • join - used to join a nation you have been invited to.
    • kick {player} - kicks a player from a nation.
    • leave - leaves the nation you are in.
    • info - displays info about the nation you are in.
      • {nation} - displays info about a target nation.
    • member {player} - sets the target player's rank to member.
    • newbie {player} - sets the target player's rank to newbie.
    • admin {player} - sets the target player's rank to admin.
    • transfer {player} - transfers nation ownership to the target player.
    • list - shows a list of nations.
      • {page} - goes to a certain page of the nation list.
    • capital - teleports you to your nation's capital.
    • setcapital - sets the nation's capital to the block you are standing on.
    • dynmap {hex code} - sets your nation's colour to the hex code inputted.
    • applications - shows the list of applications to your nation.
    • apply - apply to join a certain nation.
    • cancelapplication - cancels your application to a nation.
    • gui - opens the nation GUI.
    • bank
      • deposit - deposits money in the nation bank.
      • withdraw - withdraws money from the nation bank.
    • settlement
      • (empty) - shows the list of nation settlements.
      • create - creates a nation settlement where you are standing.
      • remove {settlement} - removes a nation settlement.


  • /chat
    • all
    • alliance
    • nation