History of Pixlies: Difference between revisions

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MickMMars (talk | contribs)
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Meer was frustrated with the fact that even though he donated to the server, Mick would be considered the owner and the man with "the last word": So he told Thomas a lot of things from the staff chat and show him screenshots of times when Mick became frustrated over things and started to take his power. Thomas then confronted Mick and called him the worst owner he has ever saw and Mick thought that Thomas had hacked the server and thats how he saw staff chat, since he couldnt believe that his best friend at that time, Meer, would ever betray him like that. After Mick banned Thomas for this action, Meer pretended like he also agreed on him, but his frustration with Mick grew over time since he would not let his true opinions out.
== Pixlies Reloaded ==
{{Main|History of Pixlies Reloaded}}
== Pixlies Remastered ==
{{Main|History of Pixlies Remastered}}
== Pixlies V ==
{{Main|History of Pixlies V}}
== Pixlies X ==
{{Main|History of Pixlies X}}