History of Pixlies: Difference between revisions

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MickMMars (talk | contribs)
Created page with "This article may not be fully complete by the time you are reading it. I will do my best to add as much detail as possible over time. I will write this article from my perspective. == Prologue == I was a regular player on Geographica in early/mid 2019. It was a nice concept that I quite liked actually, but there was this staff member called Homeofmew who was not a big fan of me. She would reguarly go into invisible mode and try to sabotage my nation and in wars she and..."
MickMMars (talk | contribs)
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This article may not be fully complete by the time you are reading it. I will do my best to add as much detail as possible over time. I will write this article from my perspective.
== Prologue ==
I[[MickMMars]] was a regular player on Geographica in early/mid 2019. It was a nice concept that I quite liked actually, but thereThere was this staff member called Homeofmew who was not a big fan of mehim. She would reguarly go into invisible mode and try to sabotage myhis nation, Iran, and in wars she and the rest of the staff would just be biased against mehim. After months Iof had enough,being soharassed Ihe decided to host myhis own server for 5€/mo on a small hoster and play with myhis friends almost the same concept that Geographica had, except for some little tweaks. Thats where Pixlies came to life. The name comes from myMicks old YouTube channels name, einPixlie, and since its my server, its called Pixlies, so Pixlies server.
Pixlies had 3-4 players at that time, Me[[MickMMars]], [[Skulli|Skulli73]], AhAko and MunchyGamers.
== Pixlies v.0.1 ==
Pixlies first version, 0.1, was fairly simple. It used the plugins Factions, Slimefun & Essentials. So the barebones of every geopol at that time. That was before Mick started coding his own plugins for Pixlies.