Little Asia

From Pixlies
Little Asia's flag


Little Asia[edit | edit source]

Little Asia originated in New Zealand, but was forced to move due to another nation in NZ (Neu Seeland). Their nation leader later became a member of Little Asia. After moving out of NZ they settled on Hainan and renamed themselves to "Yuscon". Little Asia developed quickly, gaining up to 14 new members in one week. After a while, when they were focusing on building New Tokyo, they were forced into being a colony of Europa, which shortly after got disbanded. Because of Europa, they were able to develope faster than before. After a while thety merged with Indonesia.

Little Asia is one of the biggest nations on Pixlies Earth with a total of 24 members (4th biggest nation as of now, 3/7/21). The majority of Little Asia is located in China (Hainan, Guangxi & Guangdong) and Vietnam.

Name History[edit | edit source]

  1. Yuscon
  2. Little Tokyo
  3. Tokyo Empire
  4. Little Asia

Claimed Land[edit | edit source]

- China (Hainan, Guangxi & Guangdong)

- Most of Vietnam

- A bit of Cambodia

- Taiwan

- A bit of the Philippines

- Indonesia

Districts[edit | edit source]

Mainland China, Vietnam & Cambodia = New Tokyo (modern)

Hainan = Old Tokyo (traditional)


Philippines = Mining Site


Conflicts[edit | edit source]

- The great horse robbery of 1645: 2lewd4u stole TAMaurice's Horse. There was a fight on Celtican grounds. No one died though.

-The great horse robbery of 1738: 2lewd4u stole a horse yet again, this time from xlox. He fled to the brige to america yet again but this time turned around to trick xolx. xolx didnt notice and he hid the horse inside a stall which let to a big confusion and 2lewd4u almost being killed while being afk.