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Welcome to the Pixlies Wiki!

We are the official Pixlies Wiki.

224 pages 230 files 4,712 edits 2 active users



Public Service Announcement (from Maurice):

Please do not write any pages if you cannot finish it. Please research your topic before you write anything. And make sure its correct.


The administrators of this wiki are Etraud, Maurice, and vyketype/proto. If you need any help, you should contact them.

Like in 1984, there are rules.

The rules of the Pixlies Wiki are simple:

  • Don't write like an arse.
  • Use English.
  • Don't write in the first person.
  • Be respectful of others.
  • Do not engage in edit wars.
  • Make page URLs specific but not long.
  • Document everything.
  • Dates are written as "August 10, 2023" or "10 August 2023," any other way will be deleted.
  • Nation names should always be their short, common name. For example, France is France, not the French Republic.
  • Page titles are written in sentence case (you don't need to capitalize every word).
  • Player pages should use that player's most known name.
  • Historical nations only need (Pixlies V/Remastered/etc) appended after their page name if there were nations in other seasons with the same name.
  • If a nation undergoes a big change, e.g. Germania becomes the Holy Roman Empire, a new page is created.
  • Want to make a page? You can replace the words after /wiki/ in the URL with the name of your new page, or, you can go here and type the name in.

Amendment as of 20/7/2023:

Rules regarding the use of ChatGPT on the wiki:

  1. You may use ChatGPT to assist you in writing articles for the wiki, but must not blindly use its output.
  2. Pages that are obviously direct copy/pastes of ChatGPT will be reverted with notice, but repeat offenders will have their work reverted without notice.
  3. This rule is subject to change at any time.

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