MattCobra: Difference between revisions

8 bytes added ,  2 years ago
The election shenangians and treason were in the US.
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m (The election shenangians and treason were in the US.)
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== Lore==
MattCobra first joined Pixlies when [[NeedlessMemeing]] invited him to Pixlies. The first nation that he joined was [[Oregon (Pixlies Remastered)]], which was led by [[TAMaurice]]. During his time in Oregon, he was made Minister of Defence where he led several genocides against the Muckleshoot Tribe. His stay in Oregon was limited, however, as he was kicked from the nation for allegedlydeadlocking attemptingthe toHouse coupof MauriceRepresentatives overwhich agot contestedon Maurice's electionnerves.
MattCobra and NeedlessMemeing fled to Iran, where they founded the Free Oregon Republic, a nation which was going to retake Oregon after Maurice had left. The nation was planned out in a hotel room in Iran. The original plan for the Free Oregon Republic was a joint invasion from Iran and the [[Umayadd Caliphate]]. However, the invasion did not take place because Maurice and his government fled to the [[Phillipines]]. However Oregon was disbanded due to inactivity as most of its members had left the server.