Maurice Republic

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A Maurice-Republic is a derogatory term used by some critics of the Republics founded by TAMaurice to describe a Republic in which Maurice appears to hold most power.

According to Maurice's critics, he always holds power as Head of State or Government as in e.g. Spain or more indirectly like a deep state. Allegedly in these Republics, Maurice removes his political opponents that grow too powerful.

According to Maurice, his Republics are not made to consolidate power in his hands and people are removed for having a negative impact on the communities in his Republics, by being rude or toxic.

Emilian responded to Skulli's question why the citizens of his Republics tolerate the alleged abuses of power: "We don't unconditionally support him [Maurice]. There are people against him, but there aren't many because he is good at politics and understands it."