People's Republic of Bulgaria

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Template:Infobox faction The People's Republic of Bulgaria is a nation currently led by Nikola. Notable players include Skulli, Janbond07, AleksFromBalkan. The nation is situated on the Balkan Penuinsila. It claims the region of Greater Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Albania, Constantinople and Wallachia.The main law of the country is the constitution, which states that the nation leader is the Secretary of the Bulgarian Communist party. He is chosen by the Politburo.

Constitution of the People's Republic of Bulgaria[edit | edit source]

File:Flag of the People's Republic of Bulgaria.jpg

Article 1.

(1) In the People’s Republic of Bulgaria the People’s party, BKP controls the means of production.

(2) BKP works for the people, and betrayal of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria’s national interests is considered the most serious crime.

Article 2.

(1) All citizens of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria are free to protest against the Government .

(2) The People’s Party, BKP, has the right to crush any protests if the goal of the protests is to change the system.

Article 3.

(1) The main Government body of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria is the People’s Council.

(2) The People’s Council consists of at most 12 people.

(3) To have a say in the People’s Council you need to be member of the People’s Party, BKP.

(4) The People’s Party can adopt new laws if more than 50% of the members agree on adopting it.

(5) The General Secretary of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria can cancel the adoption of any law.

Article 4.

(1) The General Secretary is chosen by the People’s Council.

(2) The General Secretary must be a member of the People’s Party, BKP.

(3) The General Secretary rules for a mandate of two weeks.

(4) During war, The General Secretarty can seize the power of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria and become a dictator during the war.

(5) The General Secretary can veto any decision of the People’s


(6) Only the General Secretary can appoint new Governors of States.

Article 5.

The People’s Republic of Bulgaria is ruled exactly according to the Constitution and the laws of the country.

Socio-Economic Structure

Article 6.

(1) The means of production in the People’s Republic of Bulgaria belong to the state (national property)

(2) Every citizen of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria has the right to own personal property.

(3) Citizens of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria can form small businesses which can be nationalized at any time.

Article 7.

All businesses within the People’s Republic of Bulgaria must be cooperative associations.

Article 8.

(1) The land belongs to those who cultivate it.

(2) All land is managed by the People’s Council

(3) Large land holdings in private hands are not allowed.

(4) Labor cooperative farms are encouraged and supported by the state and enjoy its special protection.

(5) The state can organize state farms.

Article 9.

Foreign and domestic trade is directed and controlled by the state.

Local Bodies of State Power

Article 10.

(1) The terriroty of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria is divided into Oblasts.

(2) Other administrative units may be established by law.

Article 11.

(1) Oblasts are ruled by their respective Governors.

(2) A Governor is elected by the citizens of the Oblast.

(3) A Governor’s mandate lasts for one week.

Article 12.

(1) The Governor of an Oblast must obey the People’s Council’s commands, if he doesn’t he is removed from power.

(2) A Governor’s power is established by law.

People’s Courts and Prosecutorial Supervision

Article 13.

(1) The courts apply the laws accurately and equally to all citizens.

(2) Judges are independent; when issuing their decrees they are subject only to the law. They pronounce their decisions and sentenses in the name of the people.

Article 14.

(1) The Main Prosecutor in the People’s Republic of Bulgaria is the General Secretary.

Basic Rights and Obligations of the Citizens

Article 15.

(1) Citizens have the right and are encouraged to criticize the government through formal complaints and non-violent demonstrations.

(2) Every citizen has the right to seek the prosecutions of officials for crimes committed in the performance of their duties.

Article 16.

Citizens are obliged to observe the Constitution and to follow the laws of the country accurately and conscientiously.

Article 17.

Citizens’ tax liabilities are distributed according to their economic power. These obligations, as well as the release from them, are established only by law.

Changing the Constitution

Article 18.

To change the Constitution, 2/3 of the People’s Council and the General Secretary must agree on the change.