Republic of the Philippines

From Pixlies


The Republic of the Philippines is a new faction based on the principles of liberty, equality and solidarity. It's located in the pacific ocean. It's a replication of the Republic of the Philippines and is led by President TAMaurice. The Republic is a founding member of the UNoP.

With its population of 7, the republic of Oregon is one of the biggest democracies on the server.

On the 30.12.2020 the Republic of Oregon was officially dissolved by TAMaurice. The Republic of Philippines is its successor. The Republic of Oregon was never disbanded but only renamed to the Republic of the Philippines.

Due to the settling of Boston, the Republic renamed itself to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. After losing a war to Europa which took Massachusetts and Manila, the Republic resettled in Virginia.

Constitution[edit | edit source]

The governement is made up of a governor and his cabinet, a parliament and a supreme court.

The people of the Philippines make up the Parliament. The governor then chooses his cabinet and a supreme judge, which oversees the parliament and government.

The official constitution can be found on the discord server.