South African Corruption scandals of June and July of 2022

From Pixlies

The South African Corruption scandals of June and July of 2022 were political scandals the first of which was started when on Caracal News an image was leaked about the Governor of Transvaal and Member of the National Assembly Vill accepting bribes right before the 2nd South African National Assembly Election and the 2nd South African Presidential Election. Some speculate that this may have greatly participated in guaranteeing the Republican party landslide.

After this, on SABC an article was released which showed proof of President Skulli using proof of Vill accepting bribes to blackmail him to give up Northern Transvaal but no reason was stated for why he needed that land in the proof. SABC used this to accuse Skulli of working with the British with a lack of real sources. This caused Skulli to release a statement accepting that he blackmailed Vill but denying any allegatons of working with the British and instead claiming he wanted to "expand [South Africa's] sphere of influence" by getting into an agreement with a nation that wanted to create Rhodesia and de facto puppeting it. Right after the statement, SABC released an article claiming that Skulli was behind the bribing of Vill to begin with. This caused the National Assembly of South Africa to create a committee to investigate that corruption.

In the first and only session of that committee multiple witnesses including President Skulli and the person who bribed Vill, Nikiblago08 were present to testify. In his testimony, Skulli did not deny the allegations and instead claimed that it would be better for the nation if they had a "president who got things done". On the question of how often he used Nikiblago to bribe people, Skulli then answered 2 which was later disputed by Nikiblago causing Skulli to be accused of perjury and the committee around a week later deciding to unanimously recommend the National Assembly to impeach Skulli. After this, Skulli resigned from his office and Vice-President Atalius became Acting President of South Africa.