The German Kaiserdom

From Pixlies

Template:Infobox faction

Introduction[edit | edit source]

The German Empire is an Empire led by His Imperial Majesty The Kaiser, Top Hat, who with the power of God can fly. The Empire Consists of all german states, including Austria, Switzerland and the eastern land.

Organization[edit | edit source]

The German Empire is an Empire running a Semi-Absolute Monarchy. What does this mean? it essentially give the people the power to voice their thoughts, and it will be solved democratically. Though, there will be no elections, to ensure peace and stability internally amongus the people. The government, known as the Kaiserliche Assistenten, is made up of 4 Branches;

  • Civil Affairs
  • Diplomacy Affairs
  • Military Affairs
  • Intellect Affairs
Das Kaiserliche Assistenten
Ministry Assisten/Assistenin Funktion
Civil Affairs Kahlua Deals with State development, and internal matters. supervises the stability of the nation
Diplomacy Affairs Kahlua Deals with international matters.
Military Affairs Empty The leader in wars. other than that, they're only a normal citizen
Intellect Affairs Meredith Leads the Research and basic intellects of the nation