Carthage, officially known as the Empire of Carthage or Carthaginian Empire, is a large North African country for the upcoming season of Pixlies. Located primarily in the Western parts of North Africa, Carthage claims territories from Morocco to Libya to Sardinia and Corsica as well as having rightful interests in Iberia and parts of the Middle East.

Empire of Carthage
Flag of Carthage
Motto: Glory, riches and battle await on the sands of Carthage!
Location of Carthage
Official languagesEnglish, Punic
GovernmentMixed Monarchy
• Emperor of Carthage
LegislatureGrand Council of Carthage
• Estimate

Carthage currently has a population of 18 members, though that will likely be much higher in the future.

Carthage is currently in direct territorial conflict with both France as well as the Roman Republic.


Carthage as an entity has existed since Pixlies X, though it wouldn't go public until much later due to complication with nation advertisements.

Foundation of Phoenicia

After the Downfall of the Republic of Italia, Carthage quickly created a pact with the remaining remnants of the Republic. After both sides became fairly close with one another, they merged to create the Empire of Phoenicia. A powerful Mediterranean super-state comprised of the Kingdoms of Carthage, Italy, Iberia and Phoenicia proper. With around 30 members from the old Turul Empire, Carthage and Italy Phoenicia easily became the strongest nation on Pixlies for the period it existed.

Though unfortunately as the development for the upcoming season grinded to a halt, Phoenicia eventually became inactive. And thus Phoenicia never saw the light of day.

Rebirth of Carthage

After the return of VPrototype and the revival of Pixlies, Phoenicia quickly returned to activity. Though due to former members leaving, it dissolved back into Carthage with permission from the king of Italy. Carthage quickly amassed members from the fallen remnants of China and a couple of former members of Phoenicia growing to a population of 18 in only a few days after being recreated, with many more coming.