Dual Monarchy of Hungary-Slavonia

From Pixlies

The Dual Monarchy of Hungary-Slavonia is a nation that existed in Pixlies Remastered for a small amount of time as Hungary, and existed in Pixlies V.

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After llt227 left PLC because Maurice started his Independence War as Preußen, ltt227 created Hungary with his friends, georgenotfounded (currently dudikopf) and Peter200906. Originally Hungary wanted to claim modern-day Hungary and Transylvania. But after Transylvania got annexed by Adriatica, and georgenotfounded griefed llt227's house, llt227 made a deal with Adriatica, and Hungary joined the Adriatican Union.

Pixlies V

Hungary's Pixlies V claiming plan will contain everything from Old Hungary except of Slovakia and Transcarpathia, which will be claimed by Czechoslovakia. It will be even harder due to dudikopf became permabanned from the network.


Hungary's government :

It consists of Llt227, Peter200906, Franc_Jozef, Peter2636, the parliament will be built in Budapest.


x Title1 Title2 Title 3
llt227 King of Hungary Count of North Hungary Count of North Pannonia
Peter200906 King of Slavonia Count of Slavonia Count of Mecsek
Franc_Jozef Voivod of Transylvania Count of North Transylvania Count of South Transylvania
x Title1 Title2
Peter2636 Voivod of Voivodina Count of Alföld
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