List of Community President Elections

From Pixlies
Revision as of 00:32, 12 May 2022 by Skulli (talk | contribs)

This is a list of Elections for the Community Presidency.

Election Election Start Election End Candidates Elected President Elected Vice-President Runner-Up
First Community President Election 20th of October 2020 21st of October 2020 Nikola, Awestar, Wadoo, DisputedNames Nikola none Awestar
Second Community President Election 20th of January 2021 21st of January 2021 Ethos, TAMaurice, Zoupow Ethos none TAMaurice
Third Community President Election 21st of Febuary 2021 22nd of Febuary sleep, MattCobra, Putcharilla sleep none MattCobra
Fourth Community President Election 28th of March 2021 sleep, BradBot BradBot none Sleep
Fifth Community President Election 2nd of May 2021 3rd of May 2021 Chomkii&SmolKofuku, TAMaurice, sleep Chomkii SmolKofuku TAMaurice
Sixth Community President Election unknown 12th of June 2021 TAMaurice&Skulli, Yoram, Hyijack, groot, Bobby TAMaurice Skulli Yoram