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Template:Infobox Player Dawson612 was a frequent player of the Minecraft server Pixlies.net and maintainer of the wiki.

Before Pixlies


Before Pixlies, dawson played on a multitude of servers. The first of these was a server called Datearth, which is still running to this day. He was one of the first ever players to log on to the first open beta iteration of Datearth. He was a mayor of Naples, a town that was part of the greater nation of Italy led by GeneralHunter. Not much went on, besides a few issues over weather to join the nation to the south called Sicily, or to remain as part of Italy. As towns could not directly secede, Naples remained as part of Italy. This lasted up until the first reset, where he then founded London of which was part of no nation for the duration of his leadership. The last time he played on Datearth, he founded the town of Seoul on the Korean peninsula and became quite good allies with the town to the North, Pyongyang. This friendship came to the point where they were holding joint military and intelligence operations, and wished to later form a united nation of Korea. This was cut short, however, as dawson left Datearth on his own accord, leaving the town to a seperate player.


The next server dawson would join was a good-sized server that went by the name of InscribedMC. He founded the nation of Alberta, along with Boss People. This went well for a while, until a server reset forced the two to form the new nation of NewAlberta, which later would own the entire west coast of Canada. After some fights with the country of EndPolice, NewAlberta collapsed due to internal conflicts and a generally undefined war system ending the nation early. A third nation of Fiji was founded, which lasted until the server shutdown. It was also found when the server experimented with the global warming plugin, and as an island nation, the members became strong advocates for a greener world and tree planting. The server later shut down due to technical issues causing delays that made the playerbase leave the server.

The first time on Pixlies

After inscribed closed, dawson found Pixlies for the first time. With a few friends from inscribed such as VedaTR, he joined the nation of Icelandia. After internal troubles with an attempted union with Britain, he founded the Communist Republic of Korea with a close friend of his. This lasted for a while, before he got bored and left for the IRA, a nation created on the island of Ireland. This lasted for a while and much was completed, including a bridge of wooden slabs between Ireland and Britain due to Britain claiming the north and west sides of Ireland. After this, dawson left the server for some time due to lacking further interest in Geopolitical servers for some time.

After Pixlies Remastered


After some time, dawson found the server of Politica and joined the nation of Quebec with a player that became a friend with dawson, JohnDeere5430. This lasted until the great server split, where a group of players went off with a removed server admin to form their own seperate server. In the end, both servers never found much success.

Pixlies V

Dawson played on Pixlies V for about a month as a member of the nation of Albania. Not much happened there while he was a member, and due to drama, eventually left Pixlies for the time being.

Final Frontier MC

The last server before moving back to Pixlies was Final Frontier MC. After JohnDeere contacted dawson after many months of no contact, they founded the nation of Patagonia. However, the server base got bored soon after the server launch and the server eventually closed as the owner was heading to serve in the military for some time, and could not maintain the server.

Pixlies X Beta

Dawson came back after a long time of inactivity, believing that Pixlies shut down. Turns out it wasn't. After trying to form a nation in Africa called ORE, he decided to join the Nordic Empire instead. This citizenship lasted for some time until the Nordic Empire - Troll Empire War. After, he and another member named highway31 of the Nordic Empire, who was also good with slimefun, went off to the Turul Empire, which is where dawson remained until the closing of the beta. Along with this, dawson also decided to continue maintaining the pixlies fandom wiki to keep history recorded.

Pixlies X

Dawson opted to be a member of the single-member nation of Zimbabwe. This nation accomplished great feats, but was never really active after about a month.

After Pixlies

After Pixlies, Dawson moved to Globia (a planned transition, but the closing of Pixlies neatly coencided with the opening of Globia) after being contacted by an old geopol friend and fellow player, JohnDeere5430 (known as Fishy on discord). There, he was invited to the nation of Haterstotzka. This marks the end of Dawson's time on Pixlies.