United Arab Republic

From Pixlies

Template:CountryThe United Arab Republic, commonly known as Arab Republic is a Republic located in the Middle-East and North Africa. It consists of modern-day Iraq, Egypt, Kuwait, parts of Syria and Jordan. It borders Armenia and Byzantium in the North, Iran in the East, the Arabian Caliphate in the South and French Algeria in the West.

The Republic was founded after TAMaurice, Representative of the people of Iraq suggested a merger to the Pharaokingdom of Egypt. The merger was accepted and a Convention on the new organisation was held, mostly reaffirming the Iraqi System. It was a direct democracy.

During the November Crisis, during which failed diplomatic attempts by neighboring countries got the great powers of Scotland involved, the Republic underwent a massive overhaul into a unitary fascist Republic under a totalitarian dictatorship.

File:Uar claims.png
Claims of the United Arab Republic

Political System[edit | edit source]

The Council of Representatives (Dissolved 07/11/2021)[edit | edit source]

The Council of Representatives was the chief body of the Republic. It only had a lower house and no upper house.

It was directly made up of the people of the Republic and it was the supreme body of the Republic, having the last say on every decision no longer.

The Government[edit | edit source]

The Presidency (Dissolved 07/11/2021)[edit | edit source]

The President of the Republic was directly elected by the people and is directly accountable, he could have been removed at any time by a motion of no confidence. His executive power was limited to leading the executive branch and being the Representative of the Republic on the outside.

The Directorate[edit | edit source]

The Directorate is the supreme executive, legislative and judicial body of the Republic. It's lead by one single person and has absolute power over the whole Republic.