
Revision as of 09:19, 6 January 2023 by TheRealMattCobra (talk | contribs) (Removed informal language in the page, removed self-fellatio parts about "many Pixleans loving him" etc.)

Pixles Reloaded

Yoram began playing on Pixlies in 2019. He formed the nation of South Carolina, and was pretty successful until the World War of 2019, when an unknown staff-member glitched into his nation of South Carolina and killed him. That staff-member was appropriately punished.

Pixlies Remastered

Yoram was able to enjoy relative influence in Pixlies Remastered where alongside Maurice, who at the time, was the leader of Virginia, formed the United States. He quickly reclaimed New York from the British Empire, who had collapsed after the Iran-Ummayad Wars. New York would soon grow to bne the largest city in the United States by number of buildings, sporting a selection of skyscrapers, a bank, a port and a replica of the Statue of Liberty. Yoram was able to secure the role of Vice President of the United States after the United States Constitutional Crisis, which lead to the exile of Sleep and many other notable players, including MattCobra. MattCobra would soon come back for revenge against the United States, which lead to New York being threatened with Nuclear Annihalation. This lead to the African-American War, which the United States lost. Yoram, humiliated by the defeat and upset at the harsh occupation terms (martial law, routine searches of chests, the murder of those who resisted) set by the victorious African forces, declared his secession from the United States, which Maurice claims lead to the collapse of the United States.

Pixlies X

In Pixlies X, Yoram joined the Southern Union (Pixlies X). He and 4 friends started a small coastal city called: Hancock City. The city grew fast and had multiple industial plaza's. It became a pirate heaven. Yoram and his friends would cross the atlantic daily and pillaged cities. In his second raid against Spain, Yoram and 4 soldiers raided Sevilla and stole two pandas and killed another one from Maurice. Maurice was outraged, but realised that he could not stop them. The city of Hancock later banned piracy after internal backlash.

Yoram's bans.

Yoram was banned multiple times for racism and homophobia, latest in 2021. On the 5 January 2023, Yoram was unbanned.

Yoram today.

Today Yoram is a controversial figure in the Pixlies discord server, some people still dislike him like Chomkii. He is trying to make a comeback and run for the next community president election.