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Empire of Carthage
Flag of Carthage
Motto: "If we cannot find a way, we will make one."
Location of Carthage
Official languagesEnglish, Punic
GovernmentMixed Monarchy
• Emperor of Carthage
• Grand General
• Grand Ambassador
• Grand Scientist
LegislatureGrand Council of Carthage
Establishment~ December 2022.
• Estimate
23 (2nd)

Carthage, officially known as the Empire of Carthage, is a vast upcoming North African great power for the next Pixlies reset. Currently, Carthage stretches from Iberia, through Morocco all the way to Libya.

Carthage currently has a population of 23 members, the 2nd highest of any nation on the server. Though it's highly likely more members will be invited closer to release.

Carthage is currently in direct territorial conflict with France. And has had prior conflicts with the Roman Republic.

Carthage is currently allied to Mali and has good relations with South Africa and the Hudson's Bay Company.


Carthage as an entity has existed since Pixlies X, though it wouldn't go public until much later due to complication with nation advertisements. The discord server was originally founded by Shii sometime during Pixlies X to prepare for the upcoming season, though it was so long ago that the original date has been lost.

Foundation of Phoenicia

After the Downfall of the Republic of Italia, Carthage quickly created a pact with the remaining remnants of the Republic. After both sides became fairly close with one another, they merged to create the Empire of Phoenicia. A powerful Mediterranean super-state comprised of the Kingdoms of Carthage, Italy, Iberia and Phoenicia proper. With around 30 members from the old Turul Empire (Pixlies X), Carthage and Italy Phoenicia easily became the strongest nation on Pixlies for the period it existed.

Though unfortunately as the development for the upcoming season grinded to a halt, Phoenicia eventually became inactive. And thus Phoenicia never saw the light of day.

Rebirth of Carthage

After the return of VPrototype and the revival of Pixlies, Phoenicia quickly returned to activity. Though due to former members leaving, it dissolved back into Carthage with permission from the king of Italy. Carthage quickly amassed members from the fallen remnants of Mr Archduke's China and a couple of former members of Phoenicia growing to a population of 18 in only a few days after being recreated, with many more coming.

Image of Carthage's old flag

Carthage-France Territorial Dispute

Shortly after its rebirth, Carthage quickly discovered it had new found territorial disputes with France, mainly in Northern Algeria and Corsica. Carthage originally attempted to reach out to the President of the republic TAMaurice, though any form of diplomacy was quickly denied. This dispute is currently still on-going.

Carthage-Rome Territorial Dispute

After it's foundation, the Roman Republic quickly claimed many territories originally claimed by Carthage. Including Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, the Balearic Islands, Malta and a large portion of Iberia. Which quickly stained relations between the two powers. Though originally seen as an act of aggression against the people of Carthage, both sides quickly decided a compromise had to be made. This dispute is currently settled, though it could come back in the future.

Treaty of Malta

After many hours of discussing, both sides finally came to an agreement through the Treaty of Malta. In which Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta and the Balearic Islands were handed to Rome and Carthage gained full control of Iberia. Due to both also having historical claims on Cyprus as well it was agreed that the island would be claimed by neither side. And finally, it was stated that Carthage and Rome would both maintain healthy and positive relations with one another, though the Romans infamously broke this part of the treaty very quickly. Claiming Corsica for themselves, having "Hold France and Carthage responsible for their actions" as a goal in their First National Diet and attempting to send two separate spies into Carthage in retaliation of France sending one shortly.


Carthage's terrain primarily consists of mountainous regions in the northern bits of Algeria and Tunisia as well as parts of Iberia and flat sandy terrain mostly found in Carthage's most southern claims. Though Carthage has sparse amounts of flat grassy terrain, most notably around the capital and in Morocco, though there are smaller areas near the coast. Carthage also boasts easily the largest deposits of iron on the sever, having well over a dozen deposits being located in Algeria. Though Carthage also has known coal and gold deposits in Iberia and Morocco.


Carthaginian owned Companies


RERC is Carthage's current mining company, which plans to use it's allies as well as Carthage's own resources to make itself a strong foothold in the mining market. Currently owned by HinduCrab (Though talks of passing it to either Shii or Mr.Archduke have been mentioned), though Skulli and ItzSam are currently entitled to some of the companies profits.

Non-Carthaginian owned Companies

Almanac Inc.

Though not a Punic company, HinduCrab a high ranking member of Carthage is currently entitled to a set percentage of the companies profits.


The Empire of Carthage is currently a mixed monarchy, where near absolute power is given to the Emperor with the exception of the armed forces which is controlled by the Grand General. Alongside the Emperor and the Grand General, Carthage also has the Grand Council. A small collection of Carthage's most elite members which act as an advisory board for the Emperor, members of the Grand Council can be given specific roles such as grand ambassador to better divide work based on each council members strengths.