Southern Union-Germania War

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Revision as of 04:05, 11 January 2022 by SlowTheBullet (talk | contribs) (Final edit, SKulli its not biased, so dont change)
Southern Union-Germania War

The combined Southern Union and Turul forces before battle.
Date10 January 2021
Bohemia, Austrian part of Germsny
Result Southern Union victory declared by MickMMars.
  • Austria ceded to Turul Empire.
  • Grinnypig made leader of Germania.
Southern Union Southern Union
Turul Empire Turul Empire
Germanic Empire Germanic Empire
Zapadoslavia Zapadoslavia
Judea Judea
Commanders and leaders
Southern Union MattCobra Germanic Empire Skulli
28 25-30
Casualties and losses
11 estimated dead. 10 estimated dead.

Cause of conflict: The Germanic-Southern Union War was the third war of Pixlies season X. The war itself was declared by Southern Union, but the justifications of war were started by both sides at one point. The first date, set by Germans on 28th December, was not upheld as the SU leader, MattCobra, was sick with Covid-19. After that, the date was set on 9th of January. The german leader knew about this date being set from his spies, but according to him, he was not officialy notified about it, so as a result, he or neither german kaiser Katz felt the need to join. That resulted on a final date being set. 10th of July 21:00 CET.

The conflict itself: The war began at 21:07 CET,the sites mobilized and by the end of the grace period, the man count was most likely tied, with the aproximate number of 25 to 30 players on the side of Germans against 28 player on the side of SU, joined by soldiers from Turul. Skulli's Germany chose to hold a chokepoint fort in microclaim surrounded by Slovakian claims. On the other hand, MattCobra chose a thrust from Budapest to German Austria. The former of those tactics however proved to be superior, as the fort managed to block players from SU getting in German inland in large numbers. Although some succesful incursions, mostly done by Alternis, were the cause of 8 german casualities. Now held in a chokepoint near Turul-German border, MattCobra decided to try to rat out the Germans out of their tower by sniping them with AKs, this tactic proved to be somewhat succesful, but only to a limited capacity as a major flaw in the war plugin caused issues. The Germans were doing quite alright, managing to get some kills from the tower. After some time, Czipsu pearled to close proximity of the Southerners and started to damage some SU players, even managing to kill 3 of them. When he was nearly dead, he used rags, which was a one of the first of controversional things done by the German side.(Note: Rags were not banned, but their superior version was, causing this controversy. Skulli says Alternis did the same.) The fight kept going on, until MattCobra himself died. After that, sleep, now the highest ranked soldier, decided to retreat to Budapest to resupply and gather the scattered forces. By this point the war kinda became stangant, as not whole lot more people died, beacuse of the awarness of a problem which had caused that the Southern Union and Turulian forces could not shoot in Slovakia became known. Then Skulli and Matt negotiated to continue the war a week later, but Chomkii and Mick unknowing of this, decided to grant the victory to the Southern Union.

Following his victory, Matt, joined by Skulli and Mick, negotiated the peace treaty. When he was finally finished, the peace treaty terms were: 1) Changing the government of Germany 2) Austria will be ceded to Turulian Empire

Effects of the peace: The effects of said peace treaty were felt right away, as MattCobra called for a speech in one of the germanic towns. In the speach Matt appointed the new goverment (dubbed collaboratist). Many Germans became angered at this and left for Judea, where Skulli and ItzSamHD found a partisan state called Republic of Germania. Germania itself entered a time of rebuilding with the help of Southern Union. What will now become of the German state is yet to be seen.

Conclusion: Pixlies has yet agained entered a stage of supposed peace. But now, the status quo has changed, as Germania is now a fascist state, but also unstable. Southern Union has been mostly unscathed and the only big change seems to be going on the war plugin, which proved to be broken.

"Europe is now under a fascist jackboot. What remains to be seen, is, if the boot will continue to kick, or if it will fall down from it's owner's feet."

Related articles: MattCobra, Skulli, Southern Union, Germania, Turul