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The Beginning of Yoram his career on Pixlies.

Yoram started his pixlies career in 2019 (he is an OG player). Yoram started the nation of South Carolina, and was pretty succesfull until the pixlies world war of 2019. An old unknown staffmember glitched into the great nation of South Carolina and killed Yoram. Later the staff member was banned.

The Yoram Golden Age.

The Yoram golden age was in 2021, together with Maurice he conqured the city of New York and the build began. New York would grow out to be the biggest city in the nation. In the same nation Yoram became so powerfull that he was elected vice-president of the nation. In the Albania-USA wars New York was almost nuked, but good team work and coolness the city was saved.

Yoram his bans.

Yoram was banned multiple times for crimes against humanity, racism and homophobia. Since 5-1-2023 Yoram was unbanned.

Yoram today.

Today Yoram is a Jewish controversial figure in the Pixlies discord server, he gets bullied for his past by Chomkii, but he doesnt want to join call with Yoram. Yoram is trying to make a comback and run for president next elections. He still loves the people that helped him in the past: Maurice, Skulli, MattCobra, ItzSam, Didas and MickMMars.